Welcome to the dedicated support page for the Vivance-01. Here you will find setup information, documentation and the latest firmware.
Welcome to the dedicated support page for the Vivance-01. Here you will find setup information, documentation and frequently asked questions.
To enable the maximum refresh rate of your monitor, first you need to use Display Cable for connection.
If you are already using a Display Port for connection, please follow the steps below to enable refresh rate on Windows.
1) Right-click your desktop -> choose “Display Settings”
2) Scroll down and select “Display adapter properties”
3) Check the “Refresh Rate” settings and set to max.
To enable the maximum refresh rate of your monitor, first you need to use Display Cable for connection.
If you are already using a Display Port for connection, please follow the steps below to enable refresh rate on Windows.
1) Right-click your desktop -> choose “Display Settings”
2) Scroll down and select “Display adapter properties”
3) Check the “Refresh Rate” settings and set to max.